The imminent Hope Probe mission to Mars was the subject under discussion on Saturday 11 July 2020 with HE Zaki Nusseibeh, Minister of State and Dr. Farouk El-Baz, NASA space scientist and geologist.
The speakers assessed what space exploration has taught mankind, and what life-changing advancement we can expect from the project, which is placing the UAE at the forefront of scientific discovery.
Zaki Nusseibeh said that the Hope Probe mission is a real leap forward in space exploration. ‘Almost every sector of human progress has benefited from sending people into space, from the development of portable computers, camera phones and Nike Air trainers to CAT scans and research into our health.
“This mission places UAE as one of the world leaders in space exploration, which will be a wonderful inspiration to the young men and women of the UAE when considering their roles in the future. It should provide a major incentive for young Arab scientists to embark on a career in space engineering,” he added.
The talk was moderated live from Japan by Salem AlMarri, Head of the UAE Astronaut Programme, Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre.